We welcome you to the home page of our native city of Stargard in Pomerania! Some of the historical information and developments of Stargard ( time table, churches, towers, and walls ) you find in several items. In biographical descriptions we give you detailed information of our city and the State of Pomerania! You can find a more comprehensive description of our native home in Elmshorn. A sponsorship exists between the two cities since 1953, and so you may be able to get more information there! Also, you can find some more due to our publications ( annual report, calendar ) and also advise you to join in on some of the Stargard meetings and home journeys, which are organized by us! In order to make a visit of our home town easier for you, we can offer you names of hotels, city maps and also refer you to the museum of Stargard. Under references you can as well reach other Pomeranian institutions and the home page of the district Saatzig, which is closely connected to us. You may use the guest book, e.g. to get some information of the genealogy of families in Stargard!
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